Monday, December 28, 2009

Combined Studies..!! ;).

Those tuition days were really very refreshing days in my life. The weekends went just fine. I was occupied with one thing or the other mostly. Then it came...

The worst fearing period of any +2 student who had their future set on either an engineering degree or on becoming a doctor. Yes, the ENTRANCE exams. The exam was not till another month. But still, the pressure was too much to handle. If at all your ranks went low, the people living near u, the neighbours were the people to be feared most. Especially for their renowned gift of spreading news faster than the media.. Curse them..!! I hated them.

By then, me n Nikhil had decided to organize a combined study inorder to get better ranks for our entrance exams. We both decided to involve 2 other guys to put in more effort to our studies. Reading all this must've made u think tat we were in the studious lot. Trust me. We weren't.. :P.

So after the board exams were over(+2 final exams), it was the day of our first combined study. Nikhil's place was the chosen location. After breakfast, i took off ok my bike(Hercules MTB..:D )towards Nikhil's place. His place was almost 5kms away from mine. By the time i got their, Paulson was there. He also was in the same tuition class as me n Nikhil were in. So i knew him before itself. About him, i'd say he was quite the computer geek. He knew alot about computers by then itself. We simply had some crappy talks as we waited tof the 4th member to arrive. After waiting half an hour, for jim to show up, we played some UNO with Nikhil's sis n his mom. Then about an hour or so later we heard the calling bell ringing. I knew it was tat 4th guy. I didnt know a thing about this fellow. Nikhil had told me tat his name was ANOOP earlier tat day n he was in Nikhil's class itself at school. Tats all i knew about him then.

Nikhil's mom went along n opened the door n i saw a BIG shadowy figure drenched in sweat. There wasn't a single portion of his shirt tat wasn't wettened by his sweat. Then he came inside n sat on the couch. I thought from his first appearance.. "Wat a douche..!!" Then Nikhil introduced me to him. He also joined in for a game of UNO n after tat we 4 went upto Nikhil's room to start our studies. By then it was 12.30pm.

About Nikhil's room.. it was just something wat i've always wanted. There was a 2 storeyed Bed in his room. I was seeing it for the first time.. :D. The botttom bunk was used as a table which had all of his books n stuff. There was a cupboard on the other side with another normal bed in front of it. A dart board with 4 darts on it was hung on the wall above this bed. It also had a couch, a bean bag n of course he'd a trendy music system. It was not much, but it played audio cds, cassettes n also had FM radio on it. Back then all these were the things tat i wanted. :P

So we got inside his room n locked the door. We opened the notes we'd on the subject. Then Nikhil started the first topic. Just after half an hour or so, Anoop suggested to Nikhil tat we take a break. We all agreed n Nikhil turned ON his music system. Chemistry was a bit tough even inspite of the tuitions. All those formulaes to byheart, simply gave a massive headache for everyone. While we're simply talking on varioous songs n stuffs, we got a knock on his door. we shut down the stereo n everyone grabbed a notebook atleast. It was Nikhil's mom at the door calling us to come down to have lunch. We didn't wait more. Just hurried down the stairs into the dining room n sat at the table waiting for the food. Nikhil's mom's preparations were always a delicacy.. Yummy. I ate wat i could n was waiting for the others to complete theirs. But tat guy Anoop, he just went on eating. I got irritated thinking, When'll he ever STOP..?? Finally we all finished our lunch n again headed upstairs into Nikhil's room. After settling into our previous seats, we started reading again. Not for a long time, but for just another 15 min or so. All this time, i was simply fascinated by the 2 storeyed bed. So after 15 mins of reading, i told Nikhil tat i'll read from the top of the double storeyed bed n went up. Except for Paulson, we all were lying on the floor n reading before i got up in the top bunk of the bed. It was really a gr8 feeling to lie there n read. Then i looked down from there after another 15 min of reading. I saw tat Anoop was lying on the bean bag n simply staring at the fan on the ceiling. Paulson was looking out the window at the the vehicles moving on the road. Nikhil was throwing darts. I was thinking in my mind about how similar all of us were... ;). Again after a while Anoop put up some songs in the stereo. Soon we all were sleeping where we lied down. After sometime i woke up. By then it was almost 5. I'd to get back home by 6pm. So i got up n woke up Nikhil. (Trust me. This was a difficult process to wake him up from his sleep.) I somehow managed to get it done n told him tat i'd to go. He then woke up the rest of them. After getting ready to go, i asked Anoop where he lived. He lived more than 10kms away from Nikhil's place. I was shocked to hear this. No wonder he'd been all sweaty when he arrived.. Tat too on a bicycle. Then we all bid Good byes n left for our own homes. Even though we'd learned nothing much tat day, i'd fun on everything i did tat day..

This was the same story for the rest of our combined study days... As the days went by, i'd made good friends with both Anoop n Paulson. Even after the tuitions got over, these combine studies kept me busy. Although we studied very less, all those days were really gr8 times tat i'd ever spent.

Things have always changed a lot for anyone who has grown up from being a boy to an adult. I'm at present over 24 years old. But there's still not a single day tat i don't think about those combined study sessions. Wat i'd give to get those days back..!!
Everyone's head were so clear n pure back then. No troubles of any sort in anyone's mind. All were simply just eager to grow up n get settled somewhere. But now tat we're all so much older, all we want now is to grow younger again. I know anyone would wanna become a child again n grow up more carefully again correcting the mistakes they'd made in their lives..

About my childhood, i'd say without any hesitations....


If only i could turn back time....... :(

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Two Wheelers..!!!

My tuitions got better after meeting Nikhil. After tat day(my 1st tuition day when i made frnds wit nikhil), i was very eager to get to the weekends cos i'd chemistry tuitions only on weekends. And besides, the teacher was really really a gr8 tutor. He found alot of ways to make chemistry more interesting. He'd always find some easier way to make it fun to learn the subject. I'd say tat he's the sole reason for me passing chemistry in my boards. Before going for this tuition, i simply hated chemistry. All the equations n formulaes were more than i could handle. My marks started getting better for chemistry at school after all the tuitions. I'd actually started to like the subject. And then one day at tuitions, i asked Nikhil to let me ride his kinetic. Then he told me tat he wasn't sure if could do it. So he didnt let me. Tat day, i was very mad at him for not letting me ride his kinetic. I didnt show any signs to him tat i was angry at him. The next day at tuitions, we all were asked to bring calculators. A boy in our class who lived near to the tuition centre had forgotten to bring his piece. So sir asked him to go n get it or he wouldnt let him in tat day's class. He asked Nikhil for his kinetic to go get his calculator n he gave it to him with no hesitations of any sorts. I was more annoyed about this than before. Why wouldnt he let me ride it...?? I abused him as harshly as i could in my mind. After the class i asked him about why he didnt let me ride n let tat guy ride it. He then simply said tat he'd to hurry back home. So he just said bye n left. The whole week went by n i decided never to ask him to let me ride it again. But on the morning of the next class, i saw his kinetic parked outside as i reached the class. And i felt it kinda make fun of me by showing weird gestures tat i alone could see. I decided to let go of my ego and asked him again to let me ride his ride after class got over. To my surprise he simply gave me the keys n said go ahead. My eyes lit up. Oh boy..!!! I looked at the ride n said to it telepathically, "Look who's gonna ride u now, big guy." and so i pushed it out to the road. Then i pressed the START button. It didnt fire. I told him tat i wasnt gettin started. He showed me the way it was done. By then he had a weird look in his eyes. Obvious cos i didnt know to ride his baby. Then i tried n the engine roared to life. The excitement was unrelenting. I was gonna ride a two wheeler for the first time. Hurray to me. I rode it for a short distance when i realised my handle balance was really poor. Before riding it, i'd only rode a bicycle in the 2 wheeler category. Tat was way too easy cos it ws very much lighter than this one. Nikhil saw me riding his ride twitching the handle very randomly. He came running from behind and told me tat he'll give it to me another day for a longer ride. After tat, he said bye and left. Again in my mind he was cool. (Ofcourse he let it to me a number of times after tat. I'd improved by riding with practice.) He later told me tat wen the first time i asked him to give his ride to me, his mom was waiting for him to return home to take the kinetic n go to the temple. I forgave him in my mind. Now in my present life, i own a Honda Unicorn. And i wont let anyone who dunno riding to even touch it. But then again, reminiscing about your childhood always leaves u with a smile on ur face. Now thinking about my eagerness to ride Nikhil's kinetic, him not giving it to me and ofcourse my abusing him in my mind, all these are memories i treasure.(Those were the days.... sigh) After all there are many people in the world who dont even get to ride a bicycle in their +2 schooling time. I'm Lucky again to have done tat then. I owe this achievement to u Nix(a.k.a Nikhil)... U're the Best..!!