Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Beginning

Hi guys, I'm Vysakh. This blog is just simply my life story.

About me i’d say i’ve always been the leanest and shortest boy in my class back wen i was in 3rd std. I joined St. Thomas Central School in my 3rd std. I had a tough time when i joined that school after getting transferred from Chinmaya Vidyalaya (where I did my schooling form LKG till 2nd std). I used to be in the group of smart people in my old school. Although it was an English Medium School, there was a freedom to speak whichever language you preferred and life was pretty easy there. I was quite the teacher’s pet there. And i always used to get good marks for most of the exams there. I remember even winning a scholarship back there:D

But my new school STCS was totally different. The people, viz my classmates n batchmates were totally different here. Almost all of them came from a rich n sound background. I was and still am a middle class boy. Their way of life was different. I was really mad at my dad for making me do my schooling there. In the beginning, i felt like life was strangling me with its tentacles, a.k.a. fate in all ways possible. Then i made friends with a boy who lived quite near to my home. He was a plump boy, fairer than me and his face at that time reminded me of a rowdy. Anyways he was very resourceful to me as i could borrow his notes or go to his home to study or play anytime i wanted. His name was Sreejith. Gradually my friends circle began to grow as Sreejith had introduced me to some more cool guys in my class. Now I had two cool friends. This new guy was also from a place near to my house. His name was Srinivas. This dude was way way richer than me. We 'd a regular seat inside the school bus. Discussed all sorts of crappy things tat a boy of our age would discuss about. Life was getting better as I got more n more friends at my new school. I felt the tentacles of life easen up, slowly. But goin to STCS had one real bad effect in me. The transfer to this new school had made me really lazy when it came to studies. For everything else, I was quite popular in my class and i liked it very much. :)

I’m skipping from my 3rd std directly to my 11th std. The only change that took place in my life in this period was that i'd become really bad in studies. By bad i meant so bad tat i could be put in the bottom ten when it came to rankings. I got through my 10th std wit great difficulty(especially for social studies n 2nd language). But I still managed to get an overall 67%, which felt quite amazing to me. As for the girls, I was quite an introvert. I was too shy to even talk to them. It always was a crime in my mind to even talk to them . By this time my popularity was also down to earth in my class. I then wondered if people even knew of my existence. Obviously cos i'd became very weak in studies.

It was +1 and all were going nuts thinking about the 12thboards. I thought why the hell were they all worried about an exam which was only to come after 2 years. My parents too became worried cos my performance at school was too bad. So they made me join a tuition class for Chemistry, Physics n Maths. I was a computer science student. So biology was out of my league (Thank God. Man, how much I hated Biology). Then came the best twist in my life. The first day of my tuition came. The tuition class was in a building next to my house. The building belonged to my grandpa and so obviously my tuition sir always spoke politely to me. The atmosphere there almost felt similar to my first day at STCS. The students there, were from almost all the schools I’ve ever heard about in TVM city. At this time i always wanted a two wheeler like every boy of my age would. The students, a few of them who came for the chemistry tuitions had either a bike or scooter. I considered people who came in such rides as the COOL types. Now after the first few days of tuition, i decided to make some friends in my tuition class also. I didn’t know whom to choose as i didn’t know anything about any of them. And then on one day, a boy who sat next to me asked me for a pencil. I borrowed him mine. He used it and then returned it after his use. He was quite popular with almost everyone there. So i asked him his name. He said his name was NIKHIL HARINDRANATH. This dude had a Kinetic Honda too. I didn’t wait to know anything more about him. I began sitting next to him in the tuition next day n for the following days. I came to know that he was a nice boy. If someone asked me about him I’d tell them that “Nikhil is a nice fellow. Also he has helped me to understand some lessons that I couldn’t follow.” Well guys, this is just the beginning. This boy whom I met in my tuition is now my BEST FRIEND and it still continues. It’s been more than 8 years now since I met him. Things are always cool when we hangout. There’s no room for any sort of worries when we’re at one place together. I now thank my dad for compelling me to take that tuition class. If it weren’t for that tuition i wouldn't have passed chemistry or met Nikhil. Thank you dad.... :) This Biography of mine is quite similar to anyone in his/her school life. But its not when two other of Nikhil’s friends joined into my friends group. Discussed later. So stay tuned guys. ;)